9:18 PM

A beautiful header for your Arch Linux!!!

While checking at the various images of Arch Linux KDE, the Arch headers on most terminals caught my eyes. I searched the net for the same so that even my terminal would look geeky!! The one I found was Archey which is available at AUR.https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/archey/ The Archey is a python script that could print the header on your terminal upon installation. I thought of tweaking the same or building a new one. The problem was with designing the logo. So I got into the Archey files and copied the code for generating the logo. And within minutes with my little codes the Arch header with Arch Linux logo and basic system information was up. Thought of sharing the same. Hope that it may be useful to some one.
Happy Hacking!!!

     The script for the header

9:46 AM

My girl.......

In love with Arch Linux.... <3

systemd kde4 3.6.9 kernel.......