8:20 AM

A motor that can rotate in both dierections

An electrical motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.Electrical motors find extensive use in electronics especially robotics.Small rating DC motors are used to enable movement of different parts like arms legs,wheels etc ....

DC motor
As a modification to the above statement a Dc motor is an electrical device that converts DC input energy into mechanical energy,which is obtained as the rotation of the rotor.The rotor rotates in one direction input is provide and it changes the direction when the when the input current is reversed.This can be done using an L293D IC


L293D is a motor driving IC.The IC rotates the motor in different directions based on the on the input signal provided.The L293D IC acts as a current amplifier as a small signal input can drive a high rated motor as the output.
L293D contains twp inbuilt H bridge driver circuits.In its common mode of operation,two DC motors can be driven simultaneously both in forward or reverse direction.The  motor operation of two motors can be controlled by input logic at pins 2&7 and 10&15. An input 01 will rotate the motor  in clock wise direction while 10 rotates the motor in anti clock wise direction..

The pin out diagram for L293D is

The connections can be given as

The motor behaves as
A -> 0 B ->1 clockwise

A -> 1 B ->0 anti  clockwise
